The map highlights similarities between the word you searched and its translations in other European languages

How to Read the Map

  • Green: The word is almost identical in the highlighted language.
    Orange: The word is moderately similar.
    Red: The word is not similar at all.
  • In this section, you’ll find a detailed list sorted by language families (e.g., Romance, Germanic, Slavic).
  • Note that the translations for Russian ↔ Belarusian and Serbian ↔ Montenegrin are identical.

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Tips for Better Results:

  • Use singular forms for nouns and base forms for verbs for better accuracy.
  • Make sure the word you're looking for really exists.
  • Avoid adding punctuation or extra characters when searching for a word.
  • Try searching for common synonyms if your word doesn't yield results.
Dutch Bulgarian Mazedonian Serbian Montenegrin Bosnian Croatian Romanian English Welsh Icelandic Portuguese Spanish Galician Basque Catalan French German Russian Belarussian Danish Norwegian Irish Swedish Maltese Italian Turkish Kurdish Estonian Lithuanian Polish Albanian Greek Slovenian Slovak Hungarian Czech Ukrainian Latvian Finnish Georgian Armenian Azerbaijani Faroese Arabic

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